
Corporate Gift Set

Inspired by the traditional bamboo steamer, BEAMY presents BaoWow!, a unique corporate gift set that combines design, functionality, and cultural exploration.

Inspired by the traditional bamboo steamer, a circular box is designed with a contemporary touch to present the title of the notebook within. Upon lifting the lid of the box, an array of 12 customized crystal magnets capture one’s attention as they sit in a circular fashion on the top tier. Matching infographics provide a detailed introduction and pronunciation of each of the 12 Bao, which means Buns in Mandarin, in the enclosed notebook. Dotted pages encourage self-documentation, making this gift set a handbook for foreigners to learn and make their own notes as they explore the wonders of the Chinese language and its staple food culture.

What sets BaoWow! apart is its use of Pantone Neon Yellow and Spotuv, which highlight certain text and infographics, giving them more emphasis and vivacity. The box and notebook are made of Mohawk Paper, with the box lid die-cut to resemble a bamboo steamer and the notebook using open-spine binding. The design specifications of BaoWow! are 225 mm x 225 mm x 56 mm, making it a compact and portable gift set.

The interaction with BaoWow! is simple and intuitive. Upon lifting the cover of the box, the 12 customized crystal magnets on the top tray can be easily accessed. Removing the top tray gives access to the notebook, where users can explore and document their language and culinary journey.

The BaoWow! project was initiated in September 2015 and production concluded in February 2016. It was conceptualized in Shanghai, China, and distributed to clients and friends around the world. The copyright for BaoWow! belongs to BEAMY Creative Co., Ltd 2016.

BaoWow! has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2016 in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate exceptional expertise, innovation, and artistic skill. BaoWow! stands out for its technical characteristics and excellence, evoking positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ronn Lee
Image Credits: Ronn Lee
Project Team Members: Ronn Lee Linz Lim Vera Xu Summer Zhang
Project Name: BaoWow!
Project Client: Ronn Lee

BaoWow! IMG #2
BaoWow! IMG #3
BaoWow! IMG #4
BaoWow! IMG #5
BaoWow! IMG #5

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